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Elizabeth Katz

Our Positive Woman of the week is Elizabeth Katz, founder of the ParParBags brand. Elizabeth tells us more about her journey to founding the brand, as well as the daily challenges of working in the fashion market.

1. How did your career start?

I started my career as a fashion director at ParPar, when I moved to Brazil after living abroad for several years, which gave me a great repertoire to work in the fashion market, especially after studying for a few years in New York.

2. How is ParParBags' business model formatted?

ParPar emerged after I moved to Brazil, when Denise (my sister and partner) and I decided to embark on the world of fashion. When I arrived in Brazil, I realized that the national handbag market was very traditional and people who wanted a bag with more fashion and quality reference ended up buying an imported bag. I then realized that there was a niche in the market to be filled and that is how our idea came about. The brand's idea is to develop geometric, structured and creative bags to be used on a daily basis.

3. What was the most difficult moment in your career?

I believe that, as it was for many, the pandemic.

4. How do you manage to balance your personal life x corporate/entrepreneurial life?

This balance requires a lot of flexibility, because I have 4 children and some of them live abroad. I try to use humor to make everyday life easier and not let stress take over my life.

5. What is your biggest dream?

See my brand in stores throughout Brazil and abroad.

6. What is your greatest achievement?

My family.

7. Book, film and woman you admire.

Book: A small life

Film: Legends of the Fall

Woman: Camille Claudel


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